proposal on board of a catamaran

Proposal Aboard a Catamaran

Miks Liepins had booked our Catamaran Lagoon 421 for the sunset experience. But we could not imagine he was about to organize the first proposal on board of a catamaran with Nautic Ocean.

About the experience

First of all, the idea of these departures is to go out, depending on the time of year, from Marina Rubicon in Playa Blanca, at about 16:00h. That is to enjoy the spectacular sunsets that the island gives to us with his fire color.

We like to personalize the occasion and always encourage couples to make that experience more memorable. ¿How? By making their favorite music they like to sound and also making them able to prepare a special surprise as a dinner or celebration cake. That is because we care about our clients.

The proposal

This time, the surprise of our skipper Javier was to discover something very beautiful. As the moment when the sun was slowly disappearing in the infinite horizon, Miks stood bet on the bow of the boat. He approached his girl, Sanita Poskusa, and kneeling asked for marriage. Javier, of course, did understand absolutely nothing, as the couple is originally from Lithuania and Javier, despite his many virtues, does not speak the Baltic language. However, let’s say non-verbal communication was graphic enough to sense that that was a «popping of the question».

After a few eternal moments in which even the sun had ceased to continue disappearing, Sanita answered with a loud and jovial «Jei». In Lithuanian, that means Yes.

We love to contribute humbly with our experiences that these magical moments continue to happen. And we wish them all infinite happiness.

What the sea has joined don’t be separed by the man…

Finally, if you want to do like Miks and organize such an original proposal like this, book these experience with use here! ¡Organize your own proposal on board of a catamaran!

[button link=»» style=»download» color=»aqua»]¡BOOK THE SUNSET IN LANZAROTE NOW![/button]

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