Lanzarote DO

Lanzarote DO: Wines from the island

After visiting the island of Lanzarote quickly, one perceives how wine can be grown in a land with such special features. Both from the soil and trade winds that usually worsen hard. Let’s learn something about the good wines that come from Lanzarote DO.

Its volcanic origin, a temperate and mild climate and many hours of sunshine. Also a little rain, seem inadvisable ingredients to obtain good results. However, the inhabitants of the volcanic island  found that the volcanic sand benefited vine plant to retain moisture and prevent evaporation. That is so important in an area with low rainfall.

There are basically two forms of cultivation on the island:

-Pits: As to the this technique, the wine growers dig those holes of about 4 meters in a shaped diameter crater. The goal is to find fertile land, planting vines 1 to 3. For crop protection, semicircular walls are oriented NE from which the trade winds, perfect for wine production Lanzarote, are built.

-Trenches: the winegrower have managed to build protective walls of linear stone allowing greater crop density.

-Cultivation in holes of about 4 meters in diameter.

Finally, in Lanzarote there are different types of wines. White wines, both dry, semi-dry, sweet, semi-sweet, raising, sparkling wines and liquor, though less known but there are also pink and red.

Some wineries

Castle Guanapay
-El Alto Wine Cells
Rubicon Lanzarote Wine Cells

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